Hi, I'm Bhawna Mehta.
I’m a leader in Curriculum Design with a blended (online and classroom) learning experience design background.
I focus on exploring interactive user-centered learning designs and storytelling approaches for achieving individual and organizational performance goals.
My Recent Work
Gender Identity & Expression
This curriculum is designed for creating an organization-wide awareness and adoption of gender neutral language. This policy is implemented in response to Bill C-16, which has added the gender identity and expression to the Canadian Human Rights Act.
Capacity Management Tool
This explainer video on the capacity management tool introduces the key functionalities and expected benefits of using this tool. The tool is intended to solve the current operational gaps in processes.
SITA University
This marketing video was displayed in the Air Transport IT Summit, 2018 to represent SITA's knowledge service platform - SITA University - which hosts a multitude of training material on company's products and services along its three business solutions - Passenger, Airline and Government.
If you like my work and want to work with me, please feel free to drop me a message. I’d love to connect with you!